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Richmond Mountie in hospital after being rammed by stolen car

A Richmond Mountie was seriously injured after the driver of a stolen car allegedly rammed two police cruisers while trying to escape arrest. The officer was responding to a call at around 10:30 a.m.
Live in box, win $10,000 at IKEA opening

Live in box, win $10,000 at IKEA opening

Wednesday morning, Theresa Visintin emerged from her plexiglass 10ft. x10ft. home just outside the entrance of the brand-new IKEA megastore after five days and walked away with a $10,000 Ikea gift certificate.
Platoon of Terracotta warriors descend on Richmond

Platoon of Terracotta warriors descend on Richmond

An army of seven-foot, custom-made fiberglass Asian warriors has arrived. Nine Terracotta Warriors were installed in Richmond Tuesday.

Celebrate Richmond's heritage at Doors Open

A handmade quilt is so much more than a bed cover meant to keep us warm. A quilt is often a piece of art.

Creative Richmond Grade 7s compete in Tennessee

A group of creative and dedicated Grade 7 students at St.

IKEA's new 334,000-square-foot facility opens

After 35 years in Richmond, and 30 at its Sweden Way location, IKEA's new and bigger store, immediately next door on Jacombs Road, is set to open today. And when it does, Theresa Visintin will be first in line.

Funeral director shows her many faces

Straightening a dead man's tie or curling a corpse's hair is not everyone's idea of a dream job, but it is Laura Van Sprang's. Van Sprang is an embalmer and funeral director at Richmond Funeral Home.

Councillors give $150,000 aid

Delegation sees tsunami devastation first hand

Food blogger finalists named

They've been plucked from 1,500 applicants from as far away as England and New York - all in the hopes of landing a job as a $50,000 a year food blogger in Richmond.

Parents to get 'progress report'

No report cards until end of June