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Local News

Winners and Losers provokes actors, audience

Gateway play challenges ideas about class, privilege

Hockey coach pleads guilty to assaulting player in tripping case

The lawyer for a minor league hockey coach who infamously tripped a 13-year-old Richmond boy last summer during a postgame handshake will be arguing for a non-custodial sentence when his client appears for sentencing in January.

City reinforces pedestrian safety

Pedestrian casualties are preventable.

Massey tunnel project open houses start next week

The provincial government is preparing to kick off the first round of public consultation into replacing the 53-year-old Massey Tunnel.

City readies fleet for snow, ice season

No extreme winter conditions forecast: Weather expert

World famous ship's wheel maker passes away

If there is one name that stands out in the maritime history of Richmond, it's the Lubzinski brothers. Jack and Joseph founded the world-renowned Marine Products Company, which built high quality ship steering wheels on No. 3 Road back in 1951.

Meter rates set to rise

An increased rate for water meter users is one of the highlights of next year's utility budget for the city.

Boy's Christmas drive explodes across region

In most circles, Reese Shelly is your average third grader known simply by his name. But in a growing number of groups, hes called a pyjama ambassador.

Popular Gold's gym closes in Richmond

A popular gym closed its doors after giving staff less than 12 hours notice. More than 1,000 customers are understood to be locked out of Golds gym at Riverports entertainment and leisure complex in southeast Richmond.
Mayor joins forces with kids to promote reading

Mayor joins forces with kids to promote reading

It might be a challenge to silence a room filled with energetic elementary school students, but Mayor Malcolm Brodie succeeded, needing nothing more than a story.