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Touching these tiny golden eggs might alleviate your stress

Another wild one from the wonderful world of local Kickstarter campaigns. “We’ve lost the ability to hone into our own thoughts, ideas, and reflections of what we really want, think and believe in.

Another wild one from the wonderful world of local Kickstarter campaigns.

“We’ve lost the ability to hone into our own thoughts, ideas, and reflections of what we really want, think and believe in.” That’s the fundamental problem Vancouver/San Francisco based company Orijin Design is attempting to solve with their new product, the Thinking Egg.

At first glance, the Thinking Egg is quite clearly an ergonomically designed egg that’s been crafted to combat the unwavering stresses of modern life. Similar to a stress ball or fidget spinner, the Thinking Egg aims to be a useful tool that helps remind us to “slow down, be more mindful, present and overall more aware in our day-to-day”.

In addition to being so teeny-tiny-it’s-cute, the Thinking Egg comes in three different organic materials that hold specific metaphysical qualities.

Despite, or perhaps because of its simplicity, the product seems to have struck a chord. Orijin has already raised $32,000, even though their initial campaign goal was set at just $10,000.

Touching these tiny golden eggs might alleviate your stress_1

Now, it’s easy to scoff at the idea of teeny-tiny inedible wellness eggs, but Thinking Egg has got a point; life can be really overwhelming. We all have our own unique and strange ways of dealing with the day-to-day, so if you think touching a little egg will help, then go for it. Egg away!

To learn more, or to contribute to the Thinking Egg campaign, visit their Kickstarter page HERE.