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Richmond students prepare to Grind it out with water

Some of them will be lugging water around a track for six kilometers, while some will hike the unforgiving Grouse Grind.

Some of them will be lugging water around a track for six kilometers, while some will hike the unforgiving Grouse Grind.

The students of Mitchell elementary will be finding out very soon the sacrifices made by children in search of water in Third World countries.

As part of their Me to We club fundraising and awareness drive, about 70 students, from Grade 2 to 7, and a handful of teachers will either trudge around King George Park with six litres of water on their back or will do the Grind.

The two events, Walk for Water and One Climb, are all about raising awareness that, in some parts of the world, kids have to walk for miles to get water and take it home, said school principal Madhuri Pendharkar.

Im hoping most of the little ones will make it around the six kilometers, I know theyll try.

The One Climb kids have been training for two to three days per week to prepare.

Each climber pays $25 to raise money for a clean water project in Kenya enough for one person for his/her entire life.

Walk for Water takes place on Monday, June 17 and One Climb happens Saturday, June 22.