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Richmond resident announces bid for Conservative nomination

Zach Segal is hoping to run for the Richmond Centre riding in the next federal election which is currently held by Liberal MP Wilson Miao.
Zach Segal speaking at a Richmond City Council General Purposes Committee meeting.

A Richmond resident is officially putting his hat in the ring for the next federal election.

Zach Segal, who recently spoke to Richmond city council opposing an extension to the Alderbridge temporary modular building's lease, is seeking a nomination as the Conservative candidate for the Richmond Centre riding.

Segal currently serves as the director of government relations with the Building Owners and Managers Association of BC and was previously a public affairs advisor at the Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation.

He recently voiced his concerns about the Alderbridge temporary modular housing at a city council general-purposes committee meeting, where he argued a safe supply of drugs and decriminalization have "wreaked havoc" on the city and B.C. in general.

"I support affordable housing. I do not support crime and social disorder," he told city council, referring to changes he said he observed in Richmond and the Minoru area.

He questioned the efficacy of safe supply and "reckless decriminalization" and added the "justice system is broken" due to the lack of repercussions "for repeated violent crime."

"Break-ins, theft, vandalism and open drug use here in Richmond are the direct result of failed public policy," said Segal.

The Tories were unseated in the Richmond Centre riding in the 2021 election when the Liberals' Wilson Miao beat veteran Conservative MP Alice Wong.

According to the latest poll from Abacus Data, Conservatives remain in the lead with support from 39 per cent of the individuals surveyed. Liberals are in second place with 24 per cent, NDP at 20 per cent and the Greens got five per cent. 

The results indicated Conservatives are "well ahead in western Canada, including in B.C.," and they are also in the lead across all age groups.

Segal will be launching his campaign with an event at the Richmond Olympic Oval on Tuesday.

- With files from Maria Rantanen.