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Richmond Mountie suing RCMP

Const. Silina Sargis claims she wasn't given enough protection before ATV accident while searching for a body on Sea Island
Const. Silina Sargis was riding an ATV like this one when she had an accident on Sea Island

A Mountie is suing an RCMP detachment in British Columbia, alleging injuries she sustained on the job required face-altering surgery and left her unable to work.

Richmond RCMP Const. Silina Sargis has filed a notice of civil claim in B.C. Supreme Court that says the incident happened while she was driving an all-terrain vehicle around Sea Island in search of a body.

She alleges she was trying to drive over a piece of driftwood when she was thrust forward and smashed her head and face into the vehicle's front metal rack.

Sargis claims she had to undergo surgery on her face that changed her appearance, and that she hasn't been able to work since the accident in June 2013.

She alleges it was her first time on an ATV since training, and claims she was only given an open-faced helmet when she should have been provided with a full face mask and a protective chin bar.

None of the allegations has been tested in court.