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Richmond charity focuses support on isolated seniors

Senior Link is looking for new members and volunteers.

A Richmond-based charity is focusing on helping isolated seniors build connections and a safe network of friends.

The Senior Link Society, formed in 1999 to connect local seniors to resources and events and give them a sense of community, is hoping to expand its impact and gain new members.

“Our main objective is focusing on isolated seniors,” said Becky Ardavin, the society’s founder. “There are so many … and this cheers them up and gives them the opportunity to make friends, to build a safe network of friends.”

For $25 a year, seniors can access reduced fees for the four events the charity hosts throughout the year.

In the past, Ardavin said the charity has hosted Christmas buffets with entertainment, bus trips and pink tulip tea events.

Membership also includes a newsletter, which can be received by mail or email four times a year, and free access to short-term loans of medical equipment like wheelchairs, walkers and canes.

The charity is affiliated with a company called Angels There For You, that provides nurses, care aides, cleaners and companions for seniors living independently.

Angels There For You will waive initial fees for Senior Link members, Ardavin explained.

The charity also offers members a seniors-focused resource guide with information on technology, health, finance and housing.

Besides new members, the charity also welcomes new volunteers.

Ardavin said some duties volunteers can do include transporting seniors to events, working the reception desk, serving tea and food, helping out in the kitchen and putting up decorations.

Currently, the charity’s board is working on a memoir project, which is funded through the federal government’s New Horizons grant.

It will consist of a book with pictures and interviews of seniors as well as a video. Ardavin said the project already has eight participating seniors and could be completed by February.

The charity has applied for a 2024 New Horizons grant.

On Nov. 25, from 1 to 2:30 p.m., the charity will host a talk with Richard Bell, the founding partner of Bell Alliance LLP, at the Brighouse branch of the Richmond Public Library, to discuss estate and personal planning.

For more information, go to

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