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Friend's need inspires girl

When Amber Martin opened up her daughter's lunchbox to see her school meals and snacks almost intact, she naturally assumed something was up. But when it happened a few days in a row, she felt the need to question 10-yearold Kiana Lowe.

When Amber Martin opened up her daughter's lunchbox to see her school meals and snacks almost intact, she naturally assumed something was up.

But when it happened a few days in a row, she felt the need to question 10-yearold Kiana Lowe. Suffice to say, Kiana's explanation took Martin by surprise.

"She told me how there was a girl in her class whose family were not able to send her to school with a lunch, so (Kiana) felt guilty eating her's," Martin said.

They're not allowed to share lunches in case there are any allergies, so she just brought it home, added Martin.

Inspired by her experiences at school, conscientious Kiana has come up with the idea on her own to organize a fundraiser for the Richmond Food Bank.

"(Mom) just kept asking me why I wasn't eating," Kiana told the News when she stopped by our office to raise awareness for her event.

In her leaflet to local businesses asking for donations, Kiana explains why she felt motivated to help needy children and families in Richmond.

"I want to help people that are less fortunate, because there are kids at my school who sometimes don't have a lunch and new clothes," she wrote.

"That makes me feel sad, no child should have to go through that and I don't think that anybody should go through that.

"But this is where people like us come in and if I can do this, I might even get to change a life. Even if I just helped give them one meal, it will make me happy.

"I'm writing this letter to your store in hope that you want to help these kids too. And if you're saying 'yes,' then I'm very glad and overjoyed."

With a little help from her parents, Kiana has organized "Summer in a Day" for this Saturday, July 23, from noon to 3 p.m. at the Brighouse United Church, 8151 Bennett Road. There will be a mini carnival, food, entertainment and a silent auction. All proceeds will go to the Richmond Food Bank.

If you want to help Kiana, call her dad, Calvin, on 778-837-5813.

"We're very proud of her," Martin said.

[email protected]