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Event hanging by shoe-lace

The Terry Fox Run in Richmond could be axed unless someone steps up to take charge of the event.

The Terry Fox Run in Richmond could be axed unless someone steps up to take charge of the event.

Since its inception in 2003, Richmond's version of the fun run in Terry Fox's memory has grown in size and stature every year, raising more than $200,000 for cancer research.

But after the event's co-coordinator of 10 years, John Young, stepped down due to ill health in 2012, and last year's head honcho, Susan Bernardino, had to step aside due to other commitments, no one has come forward to take the reins.

And with just a few months to go before the 2014 running at Garry Point Park, Young warned that, if they can't find a new coordinator to corral the 10 committee members and 150 volunteers, the race will almost certainly be cancelled.

"We've been looking for another coordinator since January, along with another three committee members," said Young.

"A lot of what's needed for the event is already in place; the committees, the

structure and the site for the run is booked.

"But I'm not going to pull the wool over the eyes of anyone who might be interested. Whomever it is has to be able to pull it all together and chair the committees."

The run had been going sporadically for several years before Young stepped up in 2003 and helped elevate the event to what it is now, attracting more than 1,000 fun runners last year.

If you can help, email John at [email protected].