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BBB Tips: Preparing for Black Friday and Cyber Monday

High volume of shopping calls for high level of caution
stock online shopping

Black Friday is in the rearview mirror. Now, Cyber Monday approaches.

And the Better Business Bureau is warning online shoppers to be careful.

BBB is offering the following holiday shopping tips:

• Shop with trustworthy sellers on secure sites only. Be wary of businesses you are not familiar with. Check their Business Profile on — look at their rating and read customer reviews. In addition, check that a seller's website is secure before purchasing. Secure web addresses begin with HTTPS://. Another important part of trustworthiness is transparency. If you cannot find a privacy or return policy, contact information, an address or customer service details, avoid shopping on that platform.

• Think before your click. Be especially cautious about email solicitations and online ads on social media sites. Many sketchy retailers advertise great deals or trendy clothing that does not measure up to the promotional hype.

• Beware of deals that are too good to be true. Unrealistic discounts on electronics, appliances and high-end designer clothing and accessories are some of the temptations that scammers use to lure in consumers. If a company is selling the hottest item of the year at a price that seems too good to be true, it probably is. With extremely low prices, consumers are tricked into making large purchases and sharing their credit card information. In the end, you are likely to get cheap counterfeits or nothing at all.

• Beware of false advertising and phoney websites. Watch out for false advertising and keep a close eye on the web address in your browser. Scammers love to create lookalike websites that, at first glance, appear to belong to a trusted retailer.

• Understand return policies. Store policies may change for Cyber Monday offers so read the fine print before you buy. You should also get details on exchanges, repairs and warranty. Be aware that stores may not allow returns for “final sale” or “closeout” items. Also, make sure to get gift receipts, so the recipient can return or exchange the item if necessary.

• Use your credit card. It is always best to make online purchases with your credit card. Be wary of businesses and individuals that request payment by wire transfer, prepaid debit or gift cards, cash only or through third parties. Review your credit card statements regularly so that if any shady charges turn up later, you will be able to detect them early and notify your credit card company. Debit cards do not offer this same protection. Also, be wary of websites that do not offer multiple payment options. It could be a fake retailer harvesting credit card information.

• Look out for fake shipping notifications. With more consumers using online platforms and e-stores to purchase gifts, scammers are impersonating retailers and carriers through phishing emails. Especially after Cyber Monday, look out for emails saying that there is an issue with your order and are requesting that you resubmit personal or financial information. Opening these emails or clicking on links enclosed could give unwanted access to your device or even download malware.

• Keep your antivirus software up to date. Make sure you have antivirus software installed on your computer or mobile device, and that it is up to date. This will help you to avoid fraudulent websites, pop-up phishing scams, and help keep your personal information safe.

If you or someone you know has engaged with or fallen victim to a scam, report it to BBB at