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Richmond Fitness Challenge: Combatants in opposite directions at halfway point

Richmond News office questioning Akimow's shocking Mexican vacation

Tough work ahead for idle Team Mongoose after questionable vacation

Tale of the Tape:

Starting Weight: 168.4 lbs.

Current Weight:  167.8 lbs.

Starting Body Fat: 23 %

Current Body Fat: N/A

Week five of the fitness challenge started off for me in Mexico.

Thankfully, I have a great trainer in A.J. who equipped me with not only my regular routine, but also a modified hotel room workout, just in case the gym at the resort wasn’t up to snuff.

As you can imagine, with me heading to Mexico midway through the fitness challenge, the office was all abuzz.

“Oh man, Mongoose is going to put on 10 pounds at the beach,” chirped one co-worker. “Enjoy the free beers Rob, I know I would,” quipped my competition, Collin “Apres Ski” Neal. 

These comments were not without logic. How could I possibly not partake in my fair share of Pina Coladas and Chunky Monkey while in paradise? It’s 30 degrees out, sun, sand and surf, who wouldn’t want to indulge a little, be it a margarita or a few cervezas? 

Even A.J. told me with conviction before I left, “enjoy your vacation because once you’re back the real work begins.”

Real work, I thought. What have we been doing all this time if the real work hasn’t begun? I was beginning to empathize with how the family dog must feel the last weekend before he’s taken in for the old snip, snip. 

Better enjoy myself I guess. 

Fortunately, the hotel gym was up to snuff and my wife, Richelle, and I, while not the type to head out to the gym while on vacation, hit the gym hard two of the five days. We also played tennis and, I swear, I must have sweated out at least four litres in that hour.

I was on track, watching what I was eating (mostly fish, guacamole and meats high in protein). I avoided the really bad stuff, only had ice cream twice and dodged the margaritas and Chunky Monkey altogether. 

But there was one problem. The resort had all top-shelf liquor, such as Grey Goose, not the usual resort vodka that tastes like tequila. You know the one.

My old friend and nemesis Jameson was there, too. (I know bars in Vancouver that don’t carry Irish whiskey, what was he doing down here? Getting some sun, I guess).

Thing is, if you put something brown and full of alcohol down in front of me it will quickly disappear, only to be replaced by eight more.

Just ask my friend, Mike Knight. I don’t think I’m invited back to his house until the year 2025. 

And although Richelle and I were very active and stuck to the plan, my last unofficial weigh-in while in Mexico put me at 167.8 pounds, and dropping. 

Looks like the real work is about to begin. 

Until next week, Richmond. #TeamMongoose.

Changes noticeable for diligent Team Apres Ski

Tale of the Tape:

Starting Weight: 177 lbs.

Current Weight: 167.2

Starting Body Fat: 26.5%

Current Body Fat: 21%

Week number fìve of the  News’ 10-week Fitness Challenge between myself and the News’ advertising director, Rob Akimow, started with my wife, Ashley, joining me at the City Centre Community Centre gym for an after work session with my personal trainer Gabrielle Payne. 

Wow, how has my life changed in the past month.

Normally, after work on a Friday means hitting a bar downtown for drinks and snacking on fattening pub food or relaxing on the sofa with a bag of Doritos or pizza. Instead, I’m sprinting side-by-side with my wife as we are warming up for a full hour workout.

Gabrielle suggested that I invite my wife to a workout, so that she can join in with the pain (I mean fun) and help support me in my mission to get fit, lose 10 pounds and beat the Mongoose (Akimow).

Speaking of the Mongoose, I heard he is off in sunny Mexico gorging on refried beans and tequila worms, celebrating his Sales Manager of the Year award!

Rumour has it he has lost some weight while on this all-inclusive vacation. If that is true, then hats off to him, because if I had a free bar tab at the swim-up pool bar, I would probably pack on a few pounds.

This past week, I decided to change up my cardio and instead of the interval sprinting, I have been jogging at a slower pace, but for a much longer time, usually around an hour.

And Ashley and I ran around the Stanley Park Seawall over the weekend.

Neal workout
News advertising representative Collin Neal isn't monkeying around in the Richmond Fitness Challenge, unlike his competitor.

My diet has been good! I am eating more food as I feel I need the energy for the workouts. And my main focus is to eat food with as little sugar as possible and to eat “clean,” as in fresh fruit and veggies.

It’s been hard, epically, when I’m out with my buddies on a Saturday night, and after my weekly hockey games.

I’m replacing beer with water or soda water! It’s pretty boring, but easily justified when I can point to the four inches I have lost around my waist in, the past four weeks!!

Below is a sample of my most recent work out:

• Five minutes of interval sprints on the rowing machine 

(Three sets of each)

• Push up with Sky Reach X12

• Sumo squat with shoulder Press 22.5lb X10

• Single arm press & Squat (Olympic Bar with 25lb plate) X10

• Medicine ball side slams 30lb X10

• Chin up x8 

• Walking lunge with curl 22.5lb X10

• Battle rope slams x15

• Superman hold for five seconds X10.