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In the Community

Teens envision a healthy city

Teens envision a healthy city

Young artists bid for share of $5,000 bursary with two fine pieces of Richmond-based art
Charity Golf Tournament tees off

Charity Golf Tournament tees off

Richmond Country Club will be the place next Monday (May 26) to try out your spring swing and give the Canucks Autism Network (CAN) a hand.
Creating a sense of community

Creating a sense of community

Creating a sense of community. That’s the vision of Aspac Development. And it’s also at the heart of their support for Richmond Hospital to improve local health care. “At Aspac, we don’t just build homes, we build communities.
Making connections

Making connections

We often hear about extreme cases of domestic violence in the news. Most recently, there was a homicide in Richmond where it was reported that “the death appears to be a case of domestic violence”.
McHappy day in Richmond supports Richmond Society for Community Living

McHappy day in Richmond supports Richmond Society for Community Living

McHappy Day is a very special day at McDonald's across Canada – it is part of an exciting effort to raise funds in support of children in need.
Tzu Chi encourages giving to enrich both self and others

Tzu Chi encourages giving to enrich both self and others

“The most joyful and fulfilling life is a life of giving.” – Jing Si Aphorisms Turning such noble words into true action, Tzu Chi Foundation stresses the importance and value of giving to health care.

Could you skip your morning coffee?

"Family can be a word that includes everything and anything," said Danny Taylor. "It can be nuclear, extended, single parent or even blended and mixed.

Late spring is a time for action

Abrief hot spell followed by some cool rain has made our garden leap into action. The daffodils are finished, and the tulips are in their last days. Both should be deadheaded, but leave the leaves until they are brown and easy to remove.

What's On?

Monday Richmond Public Library will be hosting the six-week program "Chronic Disease Self-Management" in English on Mondays from May 5 - June 16 from 1 -3:30 p.m.

Canadian network TV apps are a bag of hurt

The Sochi Winter Olympic Games saw remarkable online availability of event coverage in Canada by the CBC.