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Richmond community commits to ending gender violence with memorial vigil

Dec. 6 marked the 34th anniversary since 14 engineering students, all women, were murdered in the 1989 Montreal Massacre
Community members gathered at Richmond Caring Place to commemorate the 1989 Montreal Massacre.

A group of Richmond community members gathered for a solemn morning on Wednesday to remember 14 lives that were lost to gender-based violence.

On each of their hands was a white candle, lit up to remember the women engineering students who were murdered in a mass shooting at École Polytechnique in 1989. 

The names of the women killed in the massacre were also recited during the ceremony.

The candlelight vigil was organized by the Richmond chapter of the Canadian Federation of University Women (CFUW).

Kelly Sidhu, spokesperson for the organizer, told the Richmond News the vigil saw a great turnout.

At the event, the community also took the opportunity to renew its collective agreement to end violence against women and girls.

CFUW Richmond chapter president, Sylvia Gwozd, informed attendees of CFUW's national policy to address violence against women in politics.

"Our actions include to inform and remind the people, especially those in positions of power or influence, because knowledge is power," she said.

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