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Your Voice: Is the 'Richmond driver' bad reputation justified?

Clockwise, from top left: Phil Gray Retired Yes. I drive very, very carefully in Richmond. There is bad driving in Vancouver too, for a different reason. In Richmond, cars position themselves wrongly or it indicates to turn right but turns left.
Your Voice
Is the ’Richmond driver’ bad reputation justified?

Clockwise, from top left:

Phil Gray


Yes. I drive very, very carefully in Richmond. There is bad driving in Vancouver too, for a different reason.

In Richmond, cars position themselves wrongly or it indicates to turn right but turns left. Whereas in Vancouver, speed is the issue.

Monique V.


Yes. Cars don’t stop for me. Sometimes I wait for them to stop, they just go ahead.

They drive so fast on Moffatt (Road). I don’t know why, because there is a pre-school there. They should slow down but they don’t.

Angelo Furtado

Aircraft mechanic

I don’t think it’s justified. Because I’ve driven in many places and there are always crazy drivers, so you can’t generalize one area.

Joseph Leung


Kind of. Sometimes they don’t signal. It depends on individuals. Sometimes they have bad behaviours.

Richmond drivers are a little bit worse (compared to drivers in other cities).

Yunchuan Chen 

Go shopping

Yes. The impression is developed by people naturally. Seems like the majority of people think like that.

I’ve just moved (to Canada) half a year ago ... I’m more careful when driving here than when I was in Mainland China.