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Your Voice: Is charity the answer?

This week, the we asked community members: is charity is the answer to solving problems of social inequality?
Your Voice
Clockwise from top left: April Peng, Jose Espinoza, Mikhail Bouchot, Breanna Chow, Jasmeen Parmar. Photos: Richmond News/Megan Devlin

In this time of giving leading up to the holidays, the Richmond News has profiled several non-profits and the work they do in the community. Our editor has also penned a column on the role our economic structures play in fostering inequality, adding that she's angry "we're still here begging people to give a little to those who are getting trampled under the system."

This week, the News asked community members: is charity is the answer to solving problems of social inequality? 


April Peng


"I think it can solve some problems, but not all problems."


Jasmeen Parmar


"It's not, but it's a good way to help out … If you have more than other people, then it's a good thing to give back to the people that need it."


Breanna Chow


"No, but it does make an impact in a small way. At least in one person's life. And I think that's more important than not doing anything at all."


Jose Espinoza


"Yes, of course. It's giving to people that don't have. Any help is a help, right?"


Mikhail Bouchot


"Maybe, but it can't dig very deep into the problem."

Want to have your say? Send us a letter to the editor.