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Sidekick Players holding auditions for murder mystery/dark comedy

The Sidekick Players are holding auditions for Burn, a new Canadian murder mystery/dark comedy, tonight at 7 p.m. at the Tsawwassen Arts Centre.

The Sidekick Players are holding auditions for Burn, a new Canadian murder mystery/dark comedy, tonight at 7 p.m. at the Tsawwassen Arts Centre.

Sidekick is auditioning for three roles:

ROBERT: 40s/50s, dark, secretive, husband of famous writer

DAVID:40s/50s, literary agent, witty, smooth and self-assured, loyal to Robert

EVE: 20s/30’s, daughter of their late friend, vivacious and charming, but weirdly threatening

Email [email protected]to book a time, or just show up. Bring a copy of your resume. If you choose, you may prepare a one to two minute audition piece of your choosing. You will also be asked to do a cold read from the script.

Email the director, Patrick Truelove, at [email protected] with any questions.

The play will be staged from Oct. 11 to 27.