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Did you know Burnaby owns a collection of giant animatronic dinosaurs?

Did you know Burnaby owns a collection of giant animatronic dinosaurs?

The city says the dinosaurs are a 'huge hit' with kids and parents.
Dino demonstrator descends on Burnaby City Hall over TMX 'sweetheart deal'

Dino demonstrator descends on Burnaby City Hall over TMX 'sweetheart deal'

Burnaby mayor and council have been awarded 'Dinosaurs of 2025' for a controversial agreement with Trans Mountain.
E-bike share program expands on Burnaby Mountain amid increasing interest in micromobility

E-bike share program expands on Burnaby Mountain amid increasing interest in micromobility

The UniverCity neighbourhood has three new Evolve e-bike share parking stations.
Burnaby sues Metrotown developer for $1.3M in unpaid interest

Burnaby sues Metrotown developer for $1.3M in unpaid interest

Thind Development, now facing foreclosure, is being sued by the City of Burnaby over unpaid interest.
Burnaby approves 41-storey condo tower on this car dealership property

Burnaby approves 41-storey condo tower on this car dealership property

The project will include 346 condos, 13 townhomes and 69 rental apartments with commercial retail along Kingsway.
Burnaby buys old Metro Vancouver towers in Metrotown for $65M

Burnaby buys old Metro Vancouver towers in Metrotown for $65M

The city is eyeing future uses for the buildings, including potentially as a temporary city hall location for when the current facility is upgraded.
Burnaby city council caves to B.C. transit-oriented development demands

Burnaby city council caves to B.C. transit-oriented development demands

Burnaby is set to approve a transit-oriented development bylaw, which the province had required to be passed back in June.
Burnaby thwarts provincial transit-oriented housing laws — again

Burnaby thwarts provincial transit-oriented housing laws — again

For the second time, city council has postponed a decision on transit-oriented development required by the B.C. government until the provincial election is settled.
Document reveals how much developer paid to demovicted Burnaby renters

Document reveals how much developer paid to demovicted Burnaby renters

Freedom of Information request uncovers the range of payments for tenants evicted for a 37-storey condo tower in Metrotown.
Merger considered by Burnaby Board of Trade and New West Chamber of Commerce

Merger considered by Burnaby Board of Trade and New West Chamber of Commerce

The Burnaby Board of Trade and the New West Chamber of Commerce are evaluating a joint future.