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Candidate bio - Eric Yung

Our children deserve the best education we can provide – not just the best we can afford. This is the most important duty of a school trustee.
Eric Yung
Richmodn Board of Education trustee Eric Yung. Oct. 2014

Our children deserve the best education we can provide – not just the best we can afford. This is the most important duty of a school trustee.

As a School Trustee since 2011, I tried to promote everything that is best for our children’s education, while working with all our stakeholder groups.  From 2008-2011, I was President of the Richmond District Parents Association being the voice of parents in the Richmond. 

As a voting member of the Insurance Council of BC – I have experience making the hard choices policing the licensing of insurance agents.  I will make the hard decisions needed to continue to focus all our efforts on the education provided to our children.

As a staff scientist at the BC Cancer Agency – I understand the education needed to prepare our children for post-secondary studies and I will do everything I can to help them.

My own children are in elementary school in Richmond – I understand the challenges that we parents face, and the worries they have about our children.  I ask for your support so that I can continue to advocate for the resources we need, and guarantee the quality of our children’s future education.

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