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Candidate bio - Don Montgomery

I have lived in beautiful Richmond for over 25 years and happily raised my family here. Just like you, I have seen and experienced the changes that have occurred in our city and our neighbourhoods.
Don Montgomery
Richmond City Council candidate Don Montgomery. Oct. 2014

I have lived in beautiful Richmond for over 25 years and happily raised my family here.

Just like you, I have seen and experienced the changes that have occurred in our city and our neighbourhoods.

Just like you, I am concerned about community engagement, public safety, fiscal restraint, environment, heritage, business, tourism, arts & culture, youth, seniors, the city’s rapid growth and vision for the future.

Let’s celebrate our city’s diversity by encouraging cross-cultural understanding and sharing of cultures with no boundaries but also respect that we are Canadian first.

In keeping with my paperless office “green” philosophy, I’m not printing signs, posters, or brochures for my campaign. Please follow me on my website and social media.

This election is an opportunity for real change. This election is about eight people you will choose as councillors to represent you and your family for the next four years.

I am committed to making our city a fantastic place to live and raise a family.

I will listen. I will engage. I will care.

Let’s work together to bring back the “NEIGHBOUR” in “NEIGHBOURHOOD!


Cultural Navigator - Lifelong Volunteer - Social Entrepreneur

British Columbia Community Achievement Award Recipient 

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Twitter Handle @doncmontgomery

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