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Who's minding city finances?

The Editor, Re: "City employee suspect in $200,000 loss," News, Jan. 27.

The Editor,

Re: "City employee suspect in $200,000 loss," News, Jan. 27.

Will Councillor Barnes or any other councillor explain to us why it took city Hall five years to find out this fraud was taking place?

With their so-called system of checks and balances plus their highly touted "due diligence," which we are constantly being reminded of, this fraud should have been detected, if not in the first year, certainly in the second year, but it took city hall five years to realize it was taking place.

If the average taxpayer is a split second late in paying his or her taxes, city hall would be after them immediately, but this open fraud took five years to trace.

Moreover, as in the case of Mrs. Judd (treasurer of the Richmond Youth Soccer Association who stole $200,000 from the club and was recently sentenced to two years in jail), will city hall be trying to recoup the money that was stolen?

Robert M. Paul
