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Who is Wat trying to kid?

Richmond - The Editor, Re: "Teresa Wat defends mission, Chinese apology," News, Jan. 1. MLA Teresa Wat didn't lose much time in going on a China junket.
Richmond - The Editor, Re: "Teresa Wat defends mission, Chinese apology," News, Jan. 1. MLA Teresa Wat didn't lose much time in going on a China junket. Her response to the question, "How can you justify the cost of these trips?" was nothing new as most politicians come up with the same answers about promoting exports.She claims if we don't make such trips the Chinese won't know we exist. Who is she trying to convince? There is no doubt China knows Canada exists.It seems her main objective now is to get the historic wrongs committed on the Chinese community righted.How far back in history is Canada supposed to go to right all the wrongs? Wat should be helping people move forward not backwards. All immigrants to Canada and other countries around the world were required to pay in some way to get to the country of their choice. Canada 100 years ago was a very different country and who is going to ensure the claims made will be genuine.Just asking.Lee HaudinRichmond