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Where do we dump?

Concerned Camper - The Editor, Well, here we go again.
Concerned Camper - The Editor, Well, here we go again. Just got back from a great long weekend and now our sani tanks are full, but where are we to dump our tanks? We have lived in Richmond for over 50 years and during that time we had at least three locations and now we have none. We pay taxes, what do we get for our services? Sure, there are campgrounds with sani stations onsite, but we like to dry-camp. The closest sani station to us is in Langley.If you are not coming from that direction, it sure makes a long out-of-the-way drive. We are a big RVing community.Where do we dump I know that the City of Richmond has a sani station on its site on Lynas Lane, right next to the recycling depot. Open that up certain days, certain hours and keep it controlled, even put a meter on it, like in the provincial parks.Lisa NowakConcerned Camper