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We're being taxed out of town

Surrey - The Editor, Re: "Toll every bridge, tunnel," Letters, Jan. 10. It appears that this person is out of touch with the regular working folks.I cannot afford to live in Richmond, so I commute into work.
Surrey - The Editor, Re: "Toll every bridge, tunnel," Letters, Jan. 10. It appears that this person is out of touch with the regular working folks.I cannot afford to live in Richmond, so I commute into work.With the high cost of living and housing, tolling already struggling families is, to say the least, short sighted.We pay high income taxes, and a fair amount on property taxes. The whole idea of taxes originally was to pay for things like bridges and roads.So I ask you, where is this money? The government (no matter who is in charge) should have accountability for where tax money ends up.That is not the case now. So I say "HELL NO" to any toll.A restructuring of tax dollars should go back to the original plan for paying for roads, transportation and the common good in general.It is a true disgrace to the government to have its citizens pay such high tolls to use a bridge that our tax dollars should have taken care of.Mary HayfieldSurrey