Richmond - The Editor, It is at Christmas time we are made most keenly aware of the community planning legacy that Malcolm Brodie and his minions at Richmond City Council will leave behind.
Richmond - The Editor, It is at Christmas time we are made most keenly aware of the community planning legacy that Malcolm Brodie and his minions at Richmond City Council will leave behind.On the one hand, a sprinkling of older residences decorated with wreaths, coloured lights and sparkling trees that light up front windows.In stark contrast to such celebratory displays, we have countless unoccupied, sterile, darkened pseudo-mansions - each a profound insult to the fundamental concept of community building and a testament to the defeat of enlightened government.While it could be argued Brodie and company have given other cities a valuable gift by demonstrating how not to build a viable, inclusive community, one might also be inclined to wonder where our mayor will choose to live after he retires from politics - in one of the half-deserted neighbourhoods, or somewhere far away? Merry Christmas and a Happy New Legacy to everyone!Ray ArnoldRichmond