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Right to strike is what's essential

The Editor, Re: "Government strikes out," Opinion, March 28. I want to commend you for your excellent editorial on March 28, entitled "Government strikes out." I agree with you completely.

The Editor,

Re: "Government strikes out," Opinion, March 28.

I want to commend you for your excellent editorial on March 28, entitled "Government strikes out."

I agree with you completely. Too many people today know nothing about why unions originated.

The right to strike was very hard won - often with people's lives.

Government legislated the right of people to bargain collectively with management and the right to strike if necessary.

Now governments seem to be finding holes in those labour laws by arbitrarily declaring any workers' group as "essential" when they want to emasculate that group.

That may work in the short run, but as individuals see their working rights being eroded, their frustration will grow.

People need to wake up to their collective power and use their vote.

Again, thank you for you succinct comments. You got it right

Louise McManus Richmond