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Richmond needs a new MP

The Editor, Re: "Wong stands by decision to eat shark fin," News, Oct. 17. The cruel slaughter of sharks for their fins goes on, a fact which should leave all Canadians with queazy stomachs, not eating soup.

The Editor,

Re: "Wong stands by decision to eat shark fin," News, Oct. 17.

The cruel slaughter of sharks for their fins goes on, a fact which should leave all Canadians with queazy stomachs, not eating soup.

MP Alice Wong so quickly abandoned all integrity in such a desperate appeal to the votes of Chinese-Canadians.

Wong had my vote in the last election because she had values and the other guy did not. Now she has left all integrity behind in this callous act against the environment.

Shark finning goes on because people drink the soup in a sad and pathetic appeal for status. Against all moral feeling, it remains a culturally accepted practice in the Chinese communities of Canada.

What we need is an MP with values, an MP who is willing to stand against the culture, willing to stand against barbaric acts like shark finning.

What we do not need is an MP who acts as if barbarity is culturally relative, or who acts as if she is too weak to make a difference.

And most of all, at this moment, we need Alice Wong to put down the soup bowl and to pick up her integrity once again.

Scott Barber, Richmond