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Results are no surprise

The Editor, There is no mystery about the election results of May 14. The polls wern't wrong. The media reported the record of the Liberal government correctly. Even the Liberals knew they didn't deserve another chance.

The Editor,

There is no mystery about the election results of May 14.

The polls wern't wrong. The media reported the record of the Liberal government correctly. Even the Liberals knew they didn't deserve another chance.

This result came about because a portion of the voters choose to believe a campaign of fear!

Fear was hurled at the public for two months before the election call. It continued unabated and gathered strength through the 28-day run up to the election.

Truth replaced with fear. Style once again triumphed over substance. Clark, Ms.

Charisma, and the Liberals managed to disconnect the public from their sense of right and wrong.

Disconnect the public from their hearts. They weren't struck with mass ammnesia, The Men in Black were not dispatched to flash all voting age adults erasing their memory. No, the adult voters made a descion to suspend reality, to be deceived by fears and a tsunami of disinformation and distortion of the facts. They choose not to do a gut check, and placed themselves willingly back into the hands of those who abused their trust, had no integrity and successfully sustained the charade that the Liberals were fit to govern.

The public did not do their homework. They failed the test of democracy.

And as such will bear total responsibility for what will come.

David L. Merke Richmond