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Make Garden Lands multi-purpose

The Editor, Thank you for enabling a forum among Richmond residents re: "What should we do with the Garden City Lands?" Here is my two cents. The land should be turned into a medley of park, residential and farm space.

The Editor,

Thank you for enabling a forum among Richmond residents re: "What should we do with the Garden City Lands?" Here is my two cents.

The land should be turned into a medley of park, residential and farm space. This can be done in a novel and experimental way.

The market housing portion could consist of strata townhouses and apartments that legally obligate individual owners to practise agriculture on their property. For example, a couple might own their 800 sq ft apartment, which also includes 200 to 600 sq ft of land where they can grow a suitable commodity.

Here we'd need the expertise of the farmers and agri-types and gardening types abound in Richmond.

The "crops" would need to not only be compatible with the environment, which is essentially urban, but also with each other. Richmond can do better.

And there is still plenty of room for public park space, integrated with it all. Stan Hill Richmond ? Editor's note: The Garden City Lands is locked in the Agricultural Land Reserve and can't be developed for residential or commercial use.