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Liberals represent my voice

The Editor, Re: "Time to kick liars to curb," Letters, April 26. It's unfortunate that the closer we get to the provincial election, the more unintelligible arguments become.

The Editor,

Re: "Time to kick liars to curb," Letters, April 26.

It's unfortunate that the closer we get to the provincial election, the more unintelligible arguments become. Case in point, the recent rambling, anger-filled letter from Eric Hanson published in The Richmond News.

As much as Mr. Hanson wants to take issue with it, voters like me are happy there is a coalition party in this province that stands against the NDP.

It was that way with the Social Credit, it continues to be that way with the BC Liberals. Many people just don't like or trust the NDP.

In addition, as much as Mr. Hanson wants to chastise fiscal discipline, the 2010 Olympics and a strong business environment, those values actually speak to a large number of voters.

I was also surprised at his reference to there not being a balanced budget within the last 12 years.

Records show there were five. There certainly would have been more if not for the global economic downturn.

Rather than using Mr.Hanson's method of putting politicians in their "graves", I believe every voter has a right to have their say. That is the fortune of living in a democracy.

I stand behind John Yap in the election. He has my vote. Other voters will make up their own minds based on their own beliefs of who is best to represent them.

Trish Hedstrom Richmond