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Letters: Yes, keep those dogs in Richmond on a leash

Dog owners should be aware of other people enjoying public spaces and keep their dogs leashed.
A letter writer is asking Richmondites to respect on-leash rules. Olga Rolenko/Moment/Getty Images

Dear Editor,

Re: “Letters: Off-leash dogs in Richmond can net heavy fines,” Online, Nov. 13

I agree with the letter writer.

I have a reactive dog that is very small and is afraid of everything. Every day I walk him and regularly we encounter dogs off the leash.

I am training him to be less reactive, but it’s tough when we have to deal with dogs that approach us without an owner.

One of the worst places for off-leash dogs is behind Steveston Community Centre on the path. The irony is that there is a brand new dog park that is fenced in to the north of the path.

However, a lot of people think that the woods and field next to the dog park are off leash parks - they are not.

Some owners are more responsible than others and when they see a dog on a leash, they put their dog on the leash.

Others are oblivious and feel entitled.

I have no trouble with the dog in the wagon being off the leash as she can’t walk. However, I do take issue with the other dogs that are chasing each other in the wooded areas and spill onto the walkway where there are children, buggies, elderly people from Wisteria and Maples residences, some with walkers.

There are other people, too, who are being law-abiding with their dogs on leash.

Let’s be considerate, Richmondites, and keep dogs on their leashes, unless they are in an official off-leash park.

Allisa Ritchie


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