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Letters: Richmond is a city, time to wake up and smell the freedom

A Richmond News reader has some advice for those that find the city centre too noisy
Richmond city centre is growing all the time, as are the noise levels

Dear Editor,

Re: “Sleepless nights in Richmond,” Letters,, Sept. 11.

It is time to address individual rights in Richmond.

Tonight, someone set of fireworks just before midnight, which is common in my neighborhood.

Sometimes ambulances are blasting their sirens…should I tell them their noise woke me up, while they tend to my neighbour having a heart attack?

The real problem is that some people don’t appreciate the freedom we have in Canada and intrude on the freedoms of individuals living their life when it doesn’t fit into their norm.

In all fairness to “Sleepless in Richmond,” it is his right to complain.

I have never seen anyone successfully control the air we breathe or the noises we hear. I have seen people intrude on the freedom to enjoy our luxuries through media or politicians in hopes of creating a new policy that favours them.

Whether it’s sounds, smells or something new, I would personally like to see people in Richmond learn to share better and move away from being intrusive to individuals they do not know.

And I challenge all the people in Richmond to share as it’s a child’s lesson.

Charles Rose
