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Letters: Pet peeve: Drivers who block parking lots

The Editor, Re: “Are we really as bad as all that?” News , Aug. 22. It was interesting to read about drivers in Richmond.
Bush driving
"Bush" driving skills; driving into bushes is a common occurrence in Richmond, BC

The Editor,

Re: “Are we really as bad as all that?” News, Aug. 22.

It was interesting to read about drivers in Richmond. I’m sure I’ve experienced as many crazy antics as most Richmond  drivers, but some of the scariest include putting on the right turn signal and then turning left (right in front of me!), lane-hopping and racing through red lights in rush hour traffic.

Moving with, rather than against, traffic just makes so much more sense to me, I guess.

My main peeve, though, is with drivers who stop to wait for a parking spot so that other drivers can’t get by, especially when there are lots of parking spots a two-minute walk away from where these drivers apparently insist on parking.

To drive safely in Richmond, I’ve learned to plan my route to avoid the busiest roads and nastiest intersections and, when possible, do errands in the a.m. when there is less traffic.

I’m a big fan of left-turn signals, too!

Janet Oakes


Pedestrians walk on the wild side

The Editor,

Re: “Are we really as bad as all that?” News, Aug. 22.

Indeed you are!

Perhaps Cst. Hwang would care to step out of his vehicle and become a pedestrian for a few days and personally discover what it’s like to be ignored or viewed as an impediment by both motorists and bicyclists.

During a half hour walk it is not unusual to observe a half dozen or more infractions within the scope of where we are walking.

The problem is that motorists and bicyclists know they can get away with it because the police continue to be conspicuous by their absence.  

J. H. Penner

