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Letters: Pajo's replacement won city bid process fair and square

Mayor Malcolm Brodie clarifies the circumstances for Pajo's departure from Steveston's Garry Point Park
The Pajo's location at Garry Point Park will be replaced by a new vendor.

Dear Editor,

Re: Concession stand in Garry Point Park

There has been much interest expressed with the departure of Pajo’s at Garry Point Park —  and some questions about how that happened.

In the normal course of events with city properties leased out to private operators, interest from others in the market is sometimes sought before entering into a new lease. This is part of our commitment to our taxpayers that city offerings are periodically reviewed and opened up for other businesses to bid. That is what the city did with the Garry Point Park concession stand. This time, a competitor won the bid based on a fair and objective evaluation conducted under a well-established Council-approved policy similar to that used by every level of government. This approach ensures that the city gets the best value for taxpayers in the operation of the concession.

The evaluation followed predetermined simple, objective and equitable criteria. The decision for the winning bid based on these criteria came following a review by experienced, professional city staff —  without political influence. In this case, the amount of rent to be paid by any proponent was established in advance so financial return to the city was not an issue.

In the end, residents and park visitors will assess the quality of the product provided by the new operator and judge whether to patronize the enterprise. The process seeks to ensure fair treatment and the best value from our merchants.

Pajo’s has enjoyed a long history at Garry Point. We appreciate how they added to the Garry Point Park experience over the years. Fortunately, they continue to be a significant food establishment open for business on the Steveston waterfront. We look forward to seeing the new operator welcome customers to the Garry Point Park concession stand.

Yours truly

Malcolm D. Brodie

Mayor, City of Richmond