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Letters: North Richmond is akin to the Downtown Eastside

A Richmond News reader has some harsh words for the public and elected officials
It's understood there was a fatality at a fire underneath the Oak Street Bridge in Richmond on Wednesday

Dear Editor,

Re: “Person dies in tent fire,”, Sept. 7.

How sad that the death of a homeless person in a tent fire on Wednesday gets less coverage than an electrical fire at Costco on Thursday.

These incidents occurred within a stone’s throw of each other. Does the public place more value on the inconvenience of not being able to shop that day over the loss of a life, whether homeless or not?

There is a growing concern and fear for the safety of our neighbourhood.

This tent fire was not the first on our street. Just two weeks ago, two outbuildings on residential property were torched.

The fire department has been called out on several occasions to put out unattended fires under the bridge and on the back pedestrian trail.

Break ins and thefts are becoming the norm and more frequent. We are at the end of our rope.

North Richmond has become the Downtown Eastside of the island while Steveston continues to bask in the glory of our public officials. When will we get the same respect?

Sharon Betker
