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Letter: So much for TransLink progress

Trip to Downtown Vancouver for Steveston folks takes same time as 20 years ago
A bus stopped on Chatham Street in Steveston

Dear Editor,

1995: Richmond residents could board a bus in Steveston, stay on that bus for a comfortable 50 to 55-minute ride, then disembark — on the sidewalk — in the heart of Downtown Vancouver.

2015: 20 years and $2 billion later, riders from Steveston get dumped on the sidewalk across from Brighouse Station, wait anxiously for the crosswalk light to change before charging up the station steps only to hear that “ding ding ding” (the actuall sequence is “ding ding ding” followed by a one syllable word beginning with “F”) signifying an extra six minutes standing on the platform. Then push onto the Canada Line, arriving in Downtown Vancouver 55 to 60 minutes after their journey began. 

And now they want more money. I still think those intending to vote “No” in the (transit) referendum are cutting off their noses to spite their collective faces. But you can’t blame them. 

David Magowan
