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Letter: Richmond editor’s column interesting, but conclusion off the mark

A Richmond News reader's thoughts on the current state of the world.
supporting hand

Dear Editor,

Re: “No fairytale ending for fascists,” Opinion, July 23

Although I found your editorial interesting, the conclusion is off the mark.

We do not, in our apathy, fight fascism. The cowardly democracies of the West condone some balding ersatz Hitler (Putin) to destroy a peaceful democracy (Ukraine) and watch it on television, then hold conferences in fancy resorts to talk about it.

Our federal government establishes marketing boards to inflate produce prices much higher than in a free market economy — paying producers to dump excess or not produce it at all. They limit competition in the telecom sector for the same reason whilst telling us a fairytale about the “free” Canadian economy.

The B.C. government forces us to buy government car insurance and then, with a stroke of a fascist pen removes the tort law from us even though it is a tenet of British law on which Canada is based, Quebec notwithstanding.

Then there is the “empty homes” tax, more fascist intervention in the lives of Canadians. And on it goes. 

Yes, the world has turned on its head and no, we do not fight fascism enough.

Hal Leitz
