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Letter: Making mountain out of dog park mole hill

The Editor, Re: “Howling mad at dog parks.” Letter, Aug. 28. After my third stroll around South Arm Park I still had not spied the off leash dog park, so I asked a lady with a dog where it was.
dog park
The dog park recently erected at McCallum Park (near Burnett secondary on the Railway Greenway)

The Editor, 

Re: “Howling mad at dog parks.” Letter,  Aug. 28.

After my third stroll around South Arm Park I still had not spied the off leash dog park, so I asked a lady with a dog where it was. She informed me I had passed it and walked me back to where it is.  

On seeing this area, I was incredulous that there is such a big fuss over such a small area that is completely out of the way of other activities. There are soccer fields, rugby fields, baseball/softball diamonds and acre after acre of grassy areas, enough to satisfy anybody’s desire for exercise and having fun.

Then I remembered who the main protestor was, the same person who had a petition to prevent basketball courts in the park. The park and its users seem to have survive that outrage, and I am sure they will survive this latest one also.

By gathering the names for her protest, Ms. Eve Rollet de Darantes has placed herself well and truly in the pantheon of “Bananas” — build-absolutely-nothing-anywhere-near-anyone types.

Over the years, I have enjoyed the park and the dogs, and I consider it to be there for everyone’s use. I give plaudits to city hall for getting this correct, but I wonder why this enclosure is so small that large dogs cannot get a real work.

Alan Halliday
