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Letter: Gobsmacked by City of Richmond

Dear Editor, Re: “Richmond bylaw would ban drones from parks,” News.

Dear Editor,
Re: “Richmond bylaw would ban drones from parks,” News.
Let’s get our priorities straight, eh? The City of Richmond does some crazy things and makes some nonsensical decisions but OMG, please, just where is our civic head hiding?
I’d love to know just how many “Letters of concern” regarding kites and remote controlled planes have been received and how many of them are from the same author.
We know the squeaky wheel gets all the oil, but let’s not forget we live in a democracy, or at least that is what I’m led to believe.
It is interesting, not to mention distressing, that the City is prepared, due to a potential/hypothetical hazard, to severely restrict a pleasure enjoyed by many fliers and watchers alike.
But when the concept of actually saving lives and reducing the maiming and serious injury of our citizens by installing roundabouts at intersections is lobbied for, the idea is dismissed out of hand as being too costly.  
Reducing the chance of being T-boned at an intersection won’t be discussed but preventing a kite or model aircraft flier from some pleasure is a real concern?  PLEEEZE!
The gradual erosion of our freedoms, pleasures and security appears to be a hobby of governments of all ilks lately.  
The more aware we become of the lack of freedom suffered by citizens of other countries in this world, the more we appear to allow our governments to remove ours.  
That allowing happens by our silence to such petty politicking, small mindedness and power-mongering bureaucracy as is the case in this instance.
More freedoms, less regulation, please.
Disappointed and yes, disgusted.
Yvonne Harwood