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Letter: City of Richmond spending review a must

Dear Editor; Re: “Coun: Spending review needed,” News, Feb. 6.

Dear Editor;

Re: “Coun: Spending review needed,” News, Feb. 6.

Kudos to councillors Ken Johnston, Carol Day and Chak Au for making and supporting the motion to “open the City’s books so external accountants can take a hard look at how municipal money is spent.” 

How this external review could not be supported by the balance of council is simply amazing and not very comforting. To even suggest that it be left up to staff to make the decision as to who would conduct an examination of the city’s books, be it internal or external, doesn’t inspire much confidence as to who is, or should be, running our city. It is ludicrous to assume an internal audit would be free of bias. 

Also, to suggest that such a review could be carried out internally by staff makes one wonder where staff would be able to find the time to do so if their time is already fully occupied with city work; or are they fully occupied?

I believe that for the council to gain the confidence and support of Richmond’s taxpayers the entire council should have supported Coun. Johnston’s motion to have an external review of the city’s accounting. 

There is nothing wrong with being transparent unless you have something to hide.

Ralph Turner
