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Letter: Are we so 'progressive' in Richmond?

Dear Editor, A letter to your newspaper recently indicated that it is not good for a “progressive society” to go back to the “antiquated mentality of the past.

Dear Editor,

A letter to your newspaper recently indicated that it is not good for a “progressive society” to go back to the “antiquated mentality of the past.”

We are so progressive now that it is legally possible to kill a fetus in the womb; we have allowed the Supreme Court of Canada and our Parliament to lead us into accepting assisted suicide. Now, it is possible to have a “celebration” of someone being injected for a quick death, and, on one occasion, friends were invited to participate. What’s next? Maybe witchcraft?

Unfortunately, teenagers sometimes feel that they will gain more respect and friendships if they ally themselves with a transgender group.

That could be an example of mass hysteria and is referred to as “gender dysphoria.”

The American College of Pediatricians [a pro-life group of about 500 members that recognizes the basic father-mother family unit, within the context of marriage, to be the optimal setting for childhood development] has stated recently that to encourage unnecessarily a lifetime of chemical and surgical impersonation is child abuse.

Patricia Stanyer
