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Let's occupy Campbell

The Editor, Open letter to B.C.'s MLAs: The HST transitional funding given to B.C. was intended to, as done in Ontario, assist those hardest hit by an increased sales tax (the moneydeprived). (Gordon) Campbell used that $1.

The Editor,

Open letter to B.C.'s MLAs:

The HST transitional funding given to B.C. was intended to, as done in Ontario, assist those hardest hit by an increased sales tax (the moneydeprived).

(Gordon) Campbell used that $1.8 billion of MY hard-earned money to treat his rich friends to a free Olympics experience, thereby purchasing an undeserved plush sinecure far away from the debt legacy he created.

Now I, and my fellow victims of legalized government theft, must pay this twice!

No! I say these thieves who supported this scam be tried and held personally liable for every dollar Ottawa is demanding be returned.

The hard-hit low income families in Ontario received an extra GST/ HST rebate cheque the month prior to the HST taking effect.

We in B.C., struggling to pay for an ill-advised event benefitting everyone but the poor, got nothing!

Now, we have to lose another $1.8 billion? Forget Wall Street, let's occupy Gordon Scambell's sweet London ambassadorial digs!

George Pope Richmond