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It's yet another two-cent solution

The Editor, So behold, the mayors of this place met together, and laboured mightily.

The Editor,

So behold, the mayors of this place met together, and laboured mightily.

The result of all their deliberations? Two cents a litre, for the massive TransLink expansion! Truly, this action could best be described by the ancient proverb: "The mountain laboured, and brought forth a mouse"!

It also brought to light the abysmal lack of guts and innovation which seem to be the governing characteristic of our municipal ruling class. It is easy to see that none of these political heelers wish to accept the responsibility for this tax increase, and will go to any length to avoid shouldering the blame.

They all, with unseemly unanimity, endorse the principle of "user pay," except when they might have some fallout. If "user pay" is to be the guide for financing, it is time for the users of the transit system to start paying their share!

Five cents per fare could probably raise the same amount as that which is to be extorted from the motoring public, but we will probably never see that enacted. Then the mass of bus-riding voters could focus on who did this to them, and perhaps even vote against them this fall.

T.R. (Terry) Murphy
