Richmond - The Editor, On Dec. 7, 2011, Richmond News published an article about Janet Flamand, called "Richmond mother knits to remember."I was hoping you could forward this message and attached photo to her or perhaps publish them so I can show her my gratitude.I was at Lansdowne mall last Saturday when an elderly lady rolled her shopping cart towards my baby stroller.I thought that I was in her pathway so tried to move away. Then she began speaking and I thought that she was peddling her wares. Instead, she said, "I have a gift for your baby."She handed me a package and I stammered "thank you."Before I could ask any questions she hurried away.The package contained a beautiful hand crocheted blue blanket and a note that read: "Dearest Child, this little Afghan is given to you as a gift in memory of James Daniel Flamand, "Sonny." Beloved son, brother and uncle, may this gift warm your heart and soul as well as your body."A quick search of James Flamand brought me to a 2011 Richmond News article. Janet has crocheted thousands of toques and blankets and has donated them to children all across Canada in honour of her late son, who died at age 33 in 1983.The article mentioned that James had a difficult childhood as he was often teased by other children about his poor eyesight.The following is a letter of appreciation to Janet: Dear Janet, Thank you for surprising me with your beautiful blanket. Your story has touched me deeply and your gift to my son, Grayson, will be greatly cherished.My son is only four months old, but when he grows a little older, I will teach him what your gift represents.I will tell him that the dedication you put into making these blankets is a testament to a mother's love for her son.The blanket represents the difficulties a young, vulnerable child can encounter in life and the strength he will need to overcome them. The unexpected gift shows that kindness and generosity can come from a complete stranger.As a new mother, I fear the challenges my child may face. Will he be bullied? Will he grow healthy and happy? Will he have children of his own one day? I know I cannot always protect my son from harm - I can only guide him in making good decisions that lead him to his own happiness.I can't imagine your grief when you lost your son so young. I was a young child myself when your son died, but your perseverance in remembering him after all these years shows how strong and enduring a mother's love can be.Thank you, Janet, for this special gift. I'm sure Grayson will receive many gifts every Christmas - yours is one that he will always remember. And so, we will continue to remember your son, Sonny.Julie KwanRichmond