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Funding needs to keep apace

The Editor, Re: "Schools at risk of cuts," Letter, Sept. 11. I'd like to applaud the chair of the Richmond Board of Education and the rest of the board for their letter to education minister Fassbender, urging a settlement for the sake of our kids.

The Editor, Re: "Schools at risk of cuts," Letter, Sept. 11.

I'd like to applaud the chair of the Richmond Board of Education and the rest of the board for their letter to education minister Fassbender, urging a settlement for the sake of our kids.

Negotiating in good faith is important. An agreement that is fair for both sides is what should be aimed for and political gain of any kind that either side may seek to reap should be immediately refuted by the public.

What surprises me is that the letter from the board did not explicitly call for consistent, stable funding, to my knowledge, a long frustration of our trustees.

We ought to provide a fully funded, high quality K-12 public education to our kids and nothing less.

But we also need the funding to keep up with those costs and maintain the mandated balanced board budget.

Let's get these negotiations done and over with so we can get back to putting our kids first in education.

Ramesh Ranjan
