Richmond - The Editor Re: "Jet fuel protesters mount legal challenge," News, Dec. 18.I think our mayor is just posturing for the next election.When you take the time to think about it, and in light of what happened in Quebec, I would rather take my chances with a new pipeline for jet fuel than the continuing reality of 30, 40 or 50 large tanker trucks full of jet fuel lumbering through our city, as well as others, on a daily basis.It is only a matter of time before one of these trucks full of fuel gets involved in an accident and we have a huge explosion and fire, wiping out houses, business and killing and injuring people.Too often, we have let a small, extremely vocal minority dictate what we should do in this city and we do not have a mayor of sufficient intestinal fortitude to act. Something we should consider the next election.Lorne MalkoskeRichmond