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Fix HandyDart and keep TaxiSavers

Open letter to TransLink, As I was unable to attend yesterday's forum on TaxiSavers in Vancouver, I am writing to make you aware of my most recent experience with HandyDart and taxis.

Open letter to TransLink,

As I was unable to attend yesterday's forum on TaxiSavers in Vancouver, I am writing to make you aware of my most recent experience with HandyDart and taxis.

I recently went on a vacation, and to get to and from the airport, I booked HandyDart. The trip to the airport was no problem, but my return pickup did not happen.

I had requested to be picked up June 19 at 9 p.m. as my flight was due to arrive at 8: 24 p.m.

I asked the dispatcher what would happen if we were a bit late in arriving and she asked me to call and advise them. As it happened, we were about 20 minutes late and, as with airline practice, those of us in wheelchairs are always the last to be taken off the aircraft.

As soon as we landed and I was able to use my cell, I called the dispatcher and explained I had arrived and was waiting to be helped off the aircraft. This was at about 8: 50 p.m.

The dispatcher told me the driver was there and waiting for me. I asked that she contact him and ask that he wait, as I would be there by about 9: 20 p.m. She said he would be going off shift at 9: 10 p.m. so if I wasn't there by then, he would leave. I again asked her to let him know that I had arrived and to wait for me.

After going through customs and getting outside at about 9: 25 p.m., I did not see a HandyDart bus so asked one of the attendants if he had seen one. He indicated he did see one, but it had left about 15 minutes ago.

I am very disappointed at this lack of flexibility on the part of HandyDart, especially when it comes to airport pickups.

HandyDart had my flight times and could easily have checked my arrival and made the necessary adjustments to my pickup.

I also did my part by calling and advising the dispatcher of my ETA, but there was no flexibility on their end.

I ended up taking a taxi, but because I had arranged transportation with HandyDart, I did not have my TaxiSavers and as such had to pay full fare for my trip, which was more than 10 times what it would have cost me on HandyDart.

So my request is this: Please improve HandyDart as it very much needs it, but not at the expense of eliminating TaxiSavers.

The TaxiSaver program must be maintained as everyone has been asking since it became known TransLink was "scrapping" it.

I, too, hope these forums and "engagements in meaningful dialogue" are not just a palliative exercise, and TransLink will do the right thing.

Vincent Miele
