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Destroy berries in name nature?

The Editor, Re: "Exciting plans afoot for local parks, trails," City Scene, April 6. I was surprised to find out, when reading Coun.

The Editor,

Re: "Exciting plans afoot for local parks, trails," City Scene, April 6.

I was surprised to find out, when reading Coun.

Bill McNulty's column, that he considers our local blackberry bushes that once lined Railway Avenue an "invasive vegetation."

These bushes were cherished by the surrounding residents for the berries they produced each summer, as well as, for providing food and shelter for the many types of birds that live in the area.

The bushes also acted as a buffer from the increasing traffic noise for the people that live along the Railway Corridor.

Apparently the sidewalk on the other side of the street isn't good enough for pedestrians to walk on.

According to Mr. McNulty, one of the key principles for the design of the proposed "greenway" will be to "introduce nature."

I'm curious to know how, by clearing out perfectly good bushes and trees, we will be introduced to nature with a man-made walking path along a busy street?

Brian Pomeroy Richmond