The Editor,
Re: "Where's the Christmas cheer?" Letters, Dec. 16.
I am in total agreement with Mr. Hoo. I too have been wondering why our "Christmas ambience" has been disappearing.
The decorations and Christmas music in the malls has become less and less evident with the passing years.
What a shame. I recall years ago, City Hall had a lovely display of lights in the shape of a Christmas tree on their front lawn.
At the Richmond Centre, they had pretty little Christmas trees at every entrance and beautiful large Christmas wreaths adorned the street lamps.
Although I miss those wonderful Christmas decorations from yesteryear, I'm glad to see "Santa" and his helpers as busy as ever with all the little ones.
Also, the city crew does such a fabulous job every year with stringing those beautiful blue lights in the trees and this year is no exception.
I love the deer in front of the City Hall. Every time I pass by, I can't help thinking of those Christmas tree lights. I know they're long gone, but I think how lovely it would be to have a tree again, close to the deer, covered in white lights and a dusting of snow (only a dusting!)
Merry Christmas!
D. Weston Richmond