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Be happy with your looks

Two of my kids used to spend way too much time in front of the mirror. I told them to wash their faces, brush their teeth and comb their hair (once).

Two of my kids used to spend way too much time in front of the mirror. I told them to wash their faces, brush their teeth and comb their hair (once).

If you spend too much time worrying and fussing over your looks, you can be sure no one else is looking at you as closely as you do.

Ive had otherwise healthy patients who were unhappy with minor imperfections. Some would go to great lengths to correct them.

We can focus excessively on some feature of our appearance and that obsessive attention can be a source for unhappiness.

Imagine a party where you could trade physical features with other guests like a science fiction version of the Tupperware party. You may be surprised that someone envies the nose you dont like.

When it comes to our own appearance, we lose all objectivity. We tend to overestimate how much others really notice. Its likely that few people see your minor imperfections and those who do, likely dont care. The features you dislike in yourself may be those that your family and friends love the most. More likely, they love the whole package.

We have to stop comparing ourselves to people on magazine covers and on the big screen. None of us looks like Tom Cruise, except Tom Cruise, and he probably doesnt look quite like the polished persona depicted in Mission Impossible.

Thats not to say we shouldnt look after our bodies. A healthy diet and regular exercise can help us maintain personal wellbeing. Bear in mind that you can be fit and healthy but still not look anything like the slim women or muscular men on magazine covers.

The key is to control the aspects of our lives that we can in order to enjoy a meaningful life. We have to accept the rest.

We are all human and imperfect, but we can still be beautiful in our imperfection. Love yourself just as you are; others do.

Dr. Davidicus Wong is a physician and writer. Visit and and listen to his podcasts at