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An Ode to the owed

The Editor Now the dust has settled and most of the Queens Diamond Jubilee Medal winners have been announced - take heart, I said most! - I would like to speak about the hundreds, nay thousands, of folks who were not so honoured.

The Editor

Now the dust has settled and most of the Queens Diamond Jubilee Medal winners have been announced - take heart, I said most! - I would like to speak about the hundreds, nay thousands, of folks who were not so honoured.

I am speaking of the soccer coaches who grab a quick supper so they can coach the team, the Girl Guide leaders who spend hours organizing meaningful programs, the cooks and dishwashers at the community meals, the food bank workers, and the blood donors.

Alas, there is not enough paper to list them all. Tom Brokaw said, "It's easy to make a buck, a lot harder to make a difference."

Sure, these folks know they are helping out, but they will never know just how much of a difference they have made in people's lives.

It is not possible to look into the future and see the good they have done. I look to a volunteer who worked all day as a teacher then spent his evenings and weekends working with kids. He changed my life for the better. He passed away long ago, and he will never know just how much of a difference his evenings and weekends made to so many lives.

To all those great people who did not get a medal, but will carry on because that is not why they do what they do, thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Scott Stewart
